High-Risk Pregnancy: Essential Tips and Care at SJS IVF Hospital

High-Risk Pregnancy: Essential Tips and Care at SJS IVF Hospital

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, but sometimes it can be accompanied by certain risks that require special care and attention. High-risk pregnancy refers to a situation where the mother, the baby, or both are at a higher risk of complications during pregnancy or childbirth. Understanding the factors that contribute to high-risk pregnancy and knowing how to manage them can help ensure a safer and healthier outcome for both mother and baby.

What is a High-Risk Pregnancy?

A high-risk pregnancy is one that has a higher chance of complications due to various factors. These complications can arise from pre-existing health conditions, pregnancy-related issues, or unexpected problems that develop during pregnancy.

Factors Contributing to High-Risk Pregnancy

1. Maternal Age

Women who are younger than 17 or older than 35 are at a higher risk of pregnancy complications. Advanced maternal age can increase the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities, preterm birth, and other issues.

2. Pre-Existing Health Conditions

Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, or autoimmune disorders can pose significant risks during pregnancy. Proper management of these conditions is crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

3. Multiple Pregnancies

Carrying twins, triplets, or more increases the risk of preterm labor, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes. Multiple pregnancies require close monitoring and specialized care.

7. History of Pregnancy Complications

A history of complications in previous pregnancies, such as preterm birth, stillbirth, or recurrent pregnancy loss, can indicate a higher risk in subsequent pregnancies.

Managing High-Risk Pregnancy

1. Stress Management

High-risk pregnancies can be stressful. Practicing relaxation techniques, seeking support from family and friends, and attending counseling sessions can help manage stress and anxiety.

2. Monitoring and Testing

Regular monitoring through ultrasounds, blood tests, and other diagnostic tools helps track the progress of the pregnancy and identify any potential issues early on.

3. Education and Preparation

Educating yourself about high-risk pregnancy and being prepared for possible outcomes can help reduce anxiety. Attending prenatal classes and discussing your birth plan with your healthcare provider can provide reassurance.

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention

It’s important to know when to seek immediate medical attention during a high-risk pregnancy. Signs that require prompt medical evaluation include severe abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, severe headaches, sudden swelling, decreased fetal movement, and high fever.


While high-risk pregnancies require extra care and monitoring, many women with high-risk pregnancies go on to have healthy babies. By understanding the risk factors and following medical advice, you can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy outcome. For personalized care and support, consult with the specialists at SJS IVF Hospital.

Contact Us: SJS IVF Hospital Address: 77 Main Road Dakoha, Jalandhar Phone: 9815346823